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Wild Dolphins

Photos of Wild Dolphins , Pacific White-sided Dolphin

Wild Dolphins - Pacific white sided Dolphin, British Columbia.

To experience dolphins in the wild is a magical sight indeed. This picture was shot on a day where we were surrounded by 500+ wild dolphins. The water was foaming with the activity of these beautiful creatures as they sped
past as though on a tight schedule.

There are various species of wild dolphins present in every ocean, major sea, and some large river systems around the world.

Wild Dolphins
Picture of a very large herd of wild pacific white sided Dolphins in Queen Charlotte Sound, British Columbia, Canada.

Pictures from the collection "USA"

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    Wild Dolphins
    Photos of Wild Dolphins , Pacific White-sided Dolphin
    Scientific Name
    Lagenorhynchus Obliquidens
    Rolf Hicker
    Photo name
    CRW_0420-ed-lg.jpg - Wild Dolphins
    Copyright © 2022 - Whale-Images.com / All rights reserved - Wild Dolphins
    Unauthorized use of any images or footage from this site is prohibited by international copyright laws.